Embedding LuaJIT with FFI
Vadim Graboys
Who am I?
- Working at Chartbeat for a year, mostly on a custom datastore written in C
- Professionally programmed in C, C++, C#, Ruby, Python, Javascript (client-side and server-side), and now Lua
- But for only 4 years total
- Jack of all trades, master of none
- This is also my first talk ever!
What's Lua and why would I want to put it in my binary?
- Lua is small: implementation is < 20k lines of C
- Lua is simple: only 1 datastructure
- LuaJIT is a really, really fast Lua implementation
- LuaJIT FFI is a really nice C/Lua interface
But also weird:
Lua Crash Course
Arrays are tables:
local arr = {1, 2, 3}
Dictionaries are tables:
local dict = {a = 1, b = 2}
Array indexes start at 1:
> arr[1]
Objects are also tables
Account = {
balance = 0,
new = function(self)
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
deposit = function(self, amt)
self.balance = self.balance + amt
local o = Account.new(Account)
o.deposit(o, 10)
Output: 10
Object syntatic sugar
Account = { balance = 0 }
function Account:new()
local o = {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o
function Account:deposit(amt)
self.balance = self.balance + amt
local o = Account:new()
Output: 10
Lua/C interface
The interface is an abstract stack
To send data or register functions to lua:
- Push onto the stack
- Tell lua to pop from the stack
To get data from lua:
- Lua will push stuff onto the stack
- Pop the data off the stack and convert to native C type
What's Chartbeat's problem?
Realtime analytics is hard.
- 130k HTTP requests/second (writes)
- 4k HTTP requests/second (reads)
- 130MB/second writes, 100MB/second reads
- Reads are an aggregation of all data for a website
- No datastore could perform well enough at a cost we liked, so we wrote our own
- Single-threaded, uses libevent
- Stateful HTTP Server
- Contains business logic
- All in one: HTTP Server, Application Server, Database
- Complex: only 2 people in the company can work on it
- Fixed queries: adding a new query takes development time
- Want to add ad-hoc query capability
Common query
What are the top k pages (filtered by some criteria)?
Similar to:
Given a list of strings, what are the top k most frequently occurring strings?
- Count the occurrences of each string by filling up a hashtable of string -> count.
- Iterate through the hashtable, putting each [count, string] pair into a min-heap (sorted by count) of size k.
- O(n + u * log(k)), n = number of strings, u = number of unique strings
Located at: http://github.com/vadimg/luajit-talk
Implemented in:
- C++
- Javascript (v8)
- Lua using C API
- Lua using LuaJIT FFI
Data is a list of 1 million strings, 1 per line, in a file.
Common interface to data for all implementations (data.h)
Benchmark tests: C boundary, hashtable, array, function call, string operation speed
LuaJIT Limitations
- LuaJIT is really, really fast
- The FFI is really, really fast: you don't have to worry much about the boundary between C and Lua
- You can get all the flexibility and development speed of a dynamic language, with the performance of C
- LuaJIT's FFI is so easy to use that exposing C functions to Lua is no longer a pain
- Consider using it in your C/C++ projects :)
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